Housing & Housemates

Living and working alongside neighbors offers an opportunity for the people we serve to realize their dreams and reach their potential.

Having a home to call your own is one of life’s great joys.

Our BiosHome team helps people find homes and housemates to create just the right fit. We help people discover what they want and need in a home, neighborhood and housemates. We then use this information to help them explore housing and housemate options.

People with disabilities often live on limited incomes, so it can be challenging for them to find safe and affordable housing in desirable areas. We assist people in locating the ideal rental home or apartment and can help them understand, negotiate and sign leases so independent living starts off on the right foot.

In addition, we make connections between people we support who are looking for roommates and help match them for a happy and mutually beneficial living arrangement.

Contact Our Team

We are here to assist. Call or email your area director today.

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